Author Topic: Weird . . .  (Read 78634 times)

Offline dallyup52

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #30 on: September 04, 2008, 08:44:09 AM »
It is amazing what we will do in dreams and enjoy it.  :)
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Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #31 on: September 04, 2008, 02:42:23 PM »
It is amazing what we will do in dreams and enjoy it.  :)
Hmm.  I'm afraid I'm not sure what you mean. :P

I'm beginning to realize that I have a vacation spot in my dreams.  I think I've been there five times.  It's this little island that's within swimming distance of a bay with some nice beaches.  I can see most of the island when I stand on the cliff on the North side of the mainland bay.  The island itself is mostly wilderness:  low growing grasses with trails.  There are also some houses that may be abandoned.  And the side of the island facing the mainland has a bunch of really wide waterfalls.  The first time I went there I was an android leading some kind of android exodus, but every time since I've been lucid. 

Lucid: DILD

Today I wasn't having a very pleasant dream (there were swarms of beetles and quicksand, and my lovebird flew into the quicksand and was eaten by the beetles :morecry:)so I guess I decided to pack up and go somewhere more pleasant.  I'd brought someone with me.  I guess she must have just been some DC I'd met along the way.  I do remember thinking that I was doing her some big favor by letting her hang around me. 

The island looks a little different every time and I was surprised by how small it was this time.  We soon made our way through the waterfalls and into the water of the bay.  For some reason I was looking for underwater caves and found some.  We swam in and everything inside looked like a 2D video game.  Going along with the video game theme, the caves were conveniently well lit.  We found a boss of sorts and started firing missiles at it.  It was this giant, evil baby thing, and as it got damaged it would grow up a bit.  I had to charge up a bit and do some slightly complex button combination to use the good missiles.  We had defeated the thing and escaped as it was exploding (It was one of those load-bearing bosses) but somehow we both got moogled in the process.  As in, turned into moogles. 

I probably wasn't lucid for the rest of the dream in case you're curious.  I don't know at what point exactly that changed, although it may have been the explosion.  We went our separate moogle ways.

Whoa, just got distracted by Secret of Mana glitches for about an hour.  Damn internet!

Back to the dream:  I went to serve a family on a farm (that's what moogles do, right?) until one day the lady of the house asked me to go find my moogle friend.  She needed her because my moogle friend was apparently also Dr. Who, although this woman didn't know that I was already friends with her.  She gave me some eggs to take pictures and off I went.

I searched for her for a while before finding an area that I could only access because I was so small and becoming fascinated with it.

It should be noted that I had red wings.  :chuckle:

« Last Edit: September 04, 2008, 07:39:54 PM by Alex Lou »

Offline dallyup52

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #32 on: September 04, 2008, 08:53:33 PM »
Quote from: dallyup52 on Today at 06:44:09 AM
It is amazing what we will do in dreams and enjoy it.  Smiley
Hmm.  I'm afraid I'm not sure what you mean. Tongue

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #33 on: September 05, 2008, 10:28:29 PM »
Hi, Alex Lou!
Quote from: Alex Lou
I'm beginning to realize that I have a vacation spot in my dreams.
Those are great.  Yours sounds very pleasant, the waterfalls sound very nice. 8)
It was a horizontal strip of colors representing my friends' voices.
Do you usually `see' sounds, heat, etc., or mix up senses like that?

 I would love to see some of the planets. I am fascinated by space, but I have very few space dreams.  :sad1: Have you ever been to Neptune?

 Great dreams. I'm really enjoying reading some of them, especially the `science fiction' ones!

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #34 on: September 06, 2008, 12:13:03 AM »
Great dreams. I'm really enjoying reading some of them, especially the `science fiction' ones!
Well thanks for taking an interest! :content:

I've actually never seen sounds before that I know of.  That was a first for me.  But then I don't spend that much time in that special state between sleep and waking (which is when that happened). 

I've been to all the planets except Mercury now.  But I'll get there too.  I hadn't been into space at all until I started working on the Task for the Year over at DV.  I've had a lotta fun with the task so far. :D 

My Neptune dream was really enjoyable.  Though I like to joke that the wind on Neptune made me sick since I woke up from the dream with an inner ear disorder and was physically sick! :P  . . . I started some artwork of that dream a while back and never finished.  I'm such a slacker  :oops: . . . well maybe now that I've admitted to it I'll finish that up this weekend. 

I'm slacking with Mercury too, but I suppose that's because for some reason I haven't been WILDing at all for the last month or so. :-[

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #35 on: September 07, 2008, 12:17:46 PM »
ARTWORK~~~~ Awwww, I wanna see so badly now >.>

I lol at being moogled, I think that'd be sort of fun really, especially lucid XD
Back from the dead...let's hope I'll stick to it.


Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #36 on: September 07, 2008, 03:35:35 PM »
Ugh, recall problems . . . 

I must forget most of my lucid dreams.  This morning I woke with two long and complicated non-lucids in my head.  I think to myself, "Hmm, no lucids.  I didn't even walk on water . . ."  I prep myself for a DEILD, and then I remember . . . at some point before the two hours or so of dreaming that I do remember I was lucid and did walk on water . . . and the only reason that this fragment of a dream comes back to me is because I made a mental note while dreaming to remember and report on MM.

On that post I have for the study there's that one day that stands out where I had 5 lucids and didn't seem to be doing anything in particular.  Well, the one thing I was doing was counting in my sleep for some reason.  Each time I'd have a lucid dream I'd count it.  So in the morning when I woke up I had all these little glimpses of the different lucid dreams I'd had at the moment where I thought while asleep, "Gotta remember this for the study," and gave that dream a number.

 . . . I prefer WILDing.  Being so much closer to the waking state makes for far superior recall.

September Intermediate Challenge
Lucid:  DILD
I'm not sure exactly where I was because I don't remember most of the dream, but there were all these shallow, gentle waterfalls and pools only a few feet deep in between.  Just clear, calm, dark gray water all around.  I think I must have been floating because I didn't step from anywhere, but I stepped out on a pool and started walking calmly and slowly.  I noticed that if I paused too long in between steps I'd begin to sink.  The surface of the water would bend down around my foot first as if it had super high surface tension, then my foot would begin to slip through.  It was like if you look at the surface of water underneath the legs of those water bugs that skate on the surface.  I didn't want to fall through so I kept walking . . .
« Last Edit: September 07, 2008, 04:05:40 PM by Alex Lou »

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #37 on: September 08, 2008, 01:31:29 AM »
My Neptune dream was really enjoyable.  Though I like to joke that the wind on Neptune made me sick since I woke up from the dream with an inner ear disorder and was physically sick!
Nice. Your description is almost poetic.  :bowdown: Can't blame you for making it windy, though. I guess it's nice to look at, but there's not much to actually do there.  :goodjob:
Our people fought by manipulating water... bunch of really wide waterfalls... Just clear, calm, dark gray water all around...
Is there always water?

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #38 on: September 08, 2008, 07:17:26 AM »
(content removed by user request)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #39 on: September 10, 2008, 01:01:53 AM »
Cool!  I didn't realize we had stolen DV's task of the year for our list, but don't forget about ours too!  I think you would be the first to do it here.  Has anybody else done it at DV?  I can't even imagine that.
We have that here?  I'm afraid I haven't read through the different challenges. :oops:  A few others have completed the task.  I would have been one of the first but for whatever reason I lost steam after Venus.  I must admit I don't have much incentive to go to Mercury, seems like a boring planet.

I guess it's nice to look at, but there's not much to actually do there.
What made you ask about Neptune in particular?  Do you have a special affinity?

Is there always water?
Not usually.  For some reason there have been a lotta waterfalls lately.   :hrm:  I suppose it's a combination of the walking on water challenge, thinking about the island with the waterfalls, and waterfall dreams fueling other waterfall dreams.

ARTWORK~~~~ Awwww, I wanna see so badly now >.>

I lol at being moogled, I think that'd be sort of fun really, especially lucid XD
Yay, someone who knows what a moogle is! :green:  I'd say that the artwork is worth waiting for . . . but it's really not.

Advanced Challenge for September:  Bear, Owl, and Giraffe!
Lucid: Intentional WILD during nap

I actually haven't WILDed much on purpose so it's always a different experience for me.  I brought myself to a level of being too conscious prematurely during HI a couple times and woke myself up a bit each time.  But after a few minutes I found myself laying in bed in my dream.  I wanted to start out by going over to the mirror in my room to look at myself, but the dream didn't really feel stable.  Everything was dark and I felt like I hadn't solidified in this reality yet.  I still needed to fall asleep a little more and I was positive that if I went to look in the mirror I'd see some hazy, insubstantial representation of myself, and this would remind my subconscious that I was in between being awake and asleep which would cause me to wake.

So I sat and waited.  I was already in the dream and conscious and there was no harm in being patient.  Suddenly light streamed in the window.  I looked at the light illuminate my hand.  I took the light as a sign that my mind was now completely disconnected with reality; that I was fully asleep.  I went outside.

I walked through the door of my second-story bedroom and the house disappeared.  I was now walking on a newly paved highway in the desert at sunset.  The asphalt was dark and smooth and there were no lines painted on it.  It was time to transform.  I thought about becoming something good for running on the ground, but not something too small.  I wanted to be something fierce like a cat or a wolf . . . a cat seemed like a good idea.  I started running on all fours.  My two forelegs would leap forward to contact the ground as my body stretched.  Then my hind legs would fly forward to contact the ground in between my forelegs.  I was like a spring:  I'd be compressed all in one spot, then stretch out in forward motion.  But I was not a cat . . . I was larger and more compact and covered with long, dark, coarse fur and large paws.  I saw my shadow cast by the sunset as I galloped forward and realized that I was a bear . . .

Now I decided to try out being a bird.  I rose up into the air and started flapping my arms, making them into wings.  But the sun had just disappeared below the horizon.  What kind of bird was I if I was out after dark?  I decided that I must be a snowy owl.  Suddenly I had large, soft, white wings dappled with black which silently pushed against the air as they beat.  I glided, ethereal, around a lone barren tree by the road. 

I spotted a procession down the road and floated toward it.  It consisted of man-things with bunny heads driving forward different kinds of large animals.  I landed on the ground to the side.  I remember rhinos and cows, but what attracted my attention were the giraffes.  I went and stood by a giraffe so I could model myself after him.  I told myself that it would be just like flying and pushed myself upward from the ground as I bent my body forward, reaching my hands toward the ground.  My legs stayed in contact with the ground, as my head and body went up until I was level with the other giraffe.  Now I was towering above the ground on four spindly legs with my torso tilted forward and my head above.  It felt like walking in tall platform heels; every step was a bit wobbly so I had to carefully move one hoof at a time.  The hooves muffled my ability to feel the ground like shoes.

« Last Edit: September 10, 2008, 04:49:54 AM by Alex Lou »

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #40 on: September 10, 2008, 10:21:03 PM »
What made you ask about Neptune in particular?  Do you have a special affinity?
It features prominently in a couple of dreams I'm trying to remember. And a song I was listening to mentioned it. And I think it looks nice. But mostly because I'm trying to remember those dreams. I find that if I keep thinking and talking about the particular things I do remember, I eventually remember something else.
 I'm not sure how I could have an `affinity' with it. I'm not really into astrology, if that's what you mean.

That must be cool, to turn into animals, I've never done that.

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #41 on: September 10, 2008, 11:02:17 PM »
People have all kinds of imagined affinities.   :chuckle:  But I see now that you're not that kind of person. :content:

I'm sorry that you can't remember your dreams, but I admire your dedication.  Usually when I realize that I've forgotten a dream I just forget about it. :P

Changing into animals is pretty easy.  I was actually thinking about this today.  Anything I'm doing in a dream where I'm controlling my own actions is really straight forward; like controlling my actions in reality, except so much more is possible.  You should give the shape shifting a try, Mu.

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #42 on: September 11, 2008, 11:19:41 PM »
I'm sorry that you can't remember your dreams, but I admire your dedication.  Usually when I realize that I've forgotten a dream I just forget about it.
Thanks.  :) As for forgetting it: This particular dream (and quite a few others) are repeat dreams that I haven't had in awhile. Even though I don't remember much about some of them, most of them were very enjoyable, like a good story. I'd wake up and say ``Wow, that was really interesting, really cool...'' If it were just a boring dream that I'd only had once, I'd probably forget about it too.
You should give the shape shifting a try, Mu.
I would, if I could become lucid. (It's happened by `accident' a few times, but not for some time.) The main reason I want to become lucid is to explore/remember the aforementioned dreams more fully.
 Anyway, this is your DJ, so I'll stop talking about myself.  :oops:

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #43 on: September 12, 2008, 12:05:13 AM »
Lucid:  WBTB + WILD during nap

I realized that I was still conscious as soon as the dream started.  I had been a bit confused about how I became lucid the last time so I tried to recall exactly what had happened.  I vaguely remembered waking up, thinking that I hadn't dreamed about anything, and going back to sleep.  I hadn't moved at all so that made it a DEILD, right?  (Guess I forgot that I needed the DE part for that classification). 

I thought that I aught to try looking in a mirror again.  I looked across the room at my bedroom mirror.  My image was all blurry and smeared like looking at a reflection in wet pavement.  It was just a smear of red for hair, some more blurriness for skin, and streaks of color for my clothes.  I immediately looked away.  I took the lack of clarity as a sign that the dream wasn't stable yet because I wasn't fully asleep.  I thought that if I looked too closely it would wake me.

I decided to sit tight for a minute and wait to fall asleep completely.  And I guess I waited too long because the next thing I know I'm being swept up in a dream-plot.  I'm in some professional's office.  It's a small family business.  The wife helps out and the family has living quarters in the back.  There's something paranormal going on in the office and the business and the family's welfare are in jeopardy.  They ask for my help because I can access the paranormal realm with my lucid dreaming powers.  I figure that this should be pretty easy since I'm already in a dream.  Now I'm a cutsie kid detective who looks like he should be from a GBA game.  And I gain a sidekick sister who has that chubby look that kid sprites sometimes have in older RPGs (a look that annoys me, by the way).  But I spend a lotta time carefully finding all the clues and solve the thing, and for a while everything's okay in the office.  Then things start happening again . . . and I take the time to fix everything again.

When stuff starts happening a third time, I'm tired of this.  I start thinking about why I'm dreaming about this, about what waking thoughts and experiences influenced this dream.  I realize that I'm solving problems pretty much single-handedly in an episodic manner because I was watching that show a few days ago about the girl who repeats days to save people's lives (during the dream I thought it was Saving Grace but now I realize that it's called Tru Calling).  I also decide that I got the kid detective brother and sister team from a part in a video game that I just got to . . . but what game?  Chocobo Dungeon?  Yeah, Chocobo Dungeon  :green:(totally untrue)!  I wanted to kick myself for watching that damn stupid show if it inspired an obnoxious dream like this!  I thought that the dream seemed really long so far.  How long had I been asleep and how much longer did I have?  I realized that I was wasting my entire dream in this place.  And I knew that I'd been inspired to try to find a dream sidekick by Yoast's thread, but I didn't care for my sister DC at all, especially if being around her made me into a little boy.

The DCs still expected me to help.  I yelled at them, "This is just a deam and I.  DON'T.  CARE!" :mad:  I wanted to go continue my solar adventures:  go to the sun, and mercury, the moon, the asteroid belt and Ceres, then the Kuiper belt and Pluto.  I try to imagine myself floating next to the sun with solar prominences flying from the surface in arcs.  I try to imagine being myself again too.  I'm really tired of being this kid.  But everything starts fading to black.  I know that I'm waking and that I'm too well rested to hold on to the dream.  I know that I probably won't be able to go back to sleep either.

I should have actually tried kicking myself. :hrm:  I did try to do a DEILD but all I got was a half-asleep state that only served to eradicate some memories of details from the dream.  I think trying to change myself and my surroundings completely, and all at once, was a bit much . . .

« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 12:27:54 AM by Alex Lou »

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #44 on: September 12, 2008, 12:32:25 AM »
The main reason I want to become lucid is to explore/remember the aforementioned dreams more fully.
 Anyway, this is your DJ, so I'll stop talking about myself.  :oops:
Ah, yeah, dreaming seems to be a great way to remember other dreams.

No worries. :)  I look forward to reading about your Neptune dreams when you remember them.