Lucid: WBTB + WILD during napI realized that I was still conscious as soon as the dream started. I had been a bit confused about how I became lucid the last time so I tried to recall exactly what had happened. I vaguely remembered waking up, thinking that I hadn't dreamed about anything, and going back to sleep. I hadn't moved at all so that made it a DEILD, right? (Guess I forgot that I needed the DE part for that classification).
I thought that I aught to try looking in a mirror again. I looked across the room at my bedroom mirror. My image was all blurry and smeared like looking at a reflection in wet pavement. It was just a smear of red for hair, some more blurriness for skin, and streaks of color for my clothes. I immediately looked away. I took the lack of clarity as a sign that the dream wasn't stable yet because I wasn't fully asleep. I thought that if I looked too closely it would wake me.
I decided to sit tight for a minute and wait to fall asleep completely. And I guess I waited too long because the next thing I know I'm being swept up in a dream-plot. I'm in some professional's office. It's a small family business. The wife helps out and the family has living quarters in the back. There's something paranormal going on in the office and the business and the family's welfare are in jeopardy. They ask for my help because I can access the paranormal realm with my lucid dreaming powers. I figure that this should be pretty easy since I'm already in a dream. Now I'm a cutsie kid detective who looks like he should be from a GBA game. And I gain a sidekick sister who has that chubby look that kid sprites sometimes have in older RPGs (a look that annoys me, by the way). But I spend a lotta time carefully finding all the clues and solve the thing, and for a while everything's okay in the office. Then things start happening again . . . and I take the time to fix everything again.
When stuff starts happening a third time, I'm tired of this. I start thinking about why I'm dreaming about this, about what waking thoughts and experiences influenced this dream. I realize that I'm solving problems pretty much single-handedly in an episodic manner because I was watching that show a few days ago about the girl who repeats days to save people's lives (during the dream I thought it was
Saving Grace but now I realize that it's called
Tru Calling). I also decide that I got the kid detective brother and sister team from a part in a video game that I just got to . . . but what game? Chocobo Dungeon? Yeah, Chocobo Dungeon

(totally untrue)! I wanted to kick myself for watching that damn stupid show if it inspired an obnoxious dream like this! I thought that the dream seemed really long so far. How long had I been asleep and how much longer did I have? I realized that I was wasting my entire dream in this place. And I knew that I'd been inspired to try to find a dream sidekick by
Yoast's thread, but I didn't care for my sister DC at all, especially if being around her made
me into a little boy.
The DCs still expected me to help. I yelled at them, "This is just a deam and I. DON'T. CARE!"

I wanted to go continue my solar adventures: go to the sun, and mercury, the moon, the asteroid belt and Ceres, then the Kuiper belt and Pluto. I try to imagine myself floating next to the sun with solar prominences flying from the surface in arcs. I try to imagine being myself again too. I'm really tired of being this kid. But everything starts fading to black. I know that I'm waking and that I'm too well rested to hold on to the dream. I know that I probably won't be able to go back to sleep either.
I should have actually tried kicking myself.

I did try to do a DEILD but all I got was a half-asleep state that only served to eradicate some memories of details from the dream. I think trying to change myself and my surroundings completely, and all at once, was a bit much . . .