I didn't know they had tasks like that there (then again, I don't really know what ever goes on there anymore).
Yeah, actually, going to Uranus is for a task there too. Ninja9578 has us visiting all the planets in the solar system. I only have Uranus and Mercury left.
So . . . I haven't been much into recording my dreams lately. Being lazy isn't the only reason that I don't write them down; I also just end up not finding most of my dreams to be all that interesting once I'm awake. For example, in the past few days I had a semi-lucid that was very similar to a semi-lucid I had before in which I knew that I was asleep but thought that I was looking at the real world, opening my eyes in my sleep. Not all that interesting the second time around . . . Or, what I thought was profound or a really interesting plot with dream-logic will end up making no sense.
Anyway, I had an interesting HI (I
am using the right term right?) experience the other day. While I was falling asleep I heard a body (living I think) hit the ground forcefully as if it were launched from a car crash or something and came down at an angle.

I don't know how I knew that this is what the sound was supposed to be since I didn't see anything. After I heard it I wondered how I knew what a body falling would sound like and why I was hearing this. By paying conscious attention to it I accidentally "replayed" the sound in my mind. I wondered if the person would be badly injured; I was actually a bit concerned even though I knew it was just in my mind. Wow, this makes me sound like a deeply disturbed person . . . I blame
Zombie Apocalypse
Non-lucidI entered the shrine behind the others, finally leaving the darkness of the underground tunnels. The floor of the room formed a circle with two bronze snake stairways spiraling around each other into the air. They didn't go anywhere. Adults did rituals at the top of stairs in these shrines, just under the domed ceilings, but we hadn't seen any living adults in a long time. I crossed to the arched doorway where light spilled in from outside and joined several of the others who were looking out. It was a welcome scene: there was short, very green grass everywhere beneath a cloudless sky. My brother stood beside me.
"Is it safe?" I asked.
Everyone was heading out. I followed. We wandered a ways away from the shrine. There was a chain-link fence some ways in front of us, and beyond that a road. The day was so beautiful and the grass so soft. I ran a bit away from the others, so happy to be out in the open. As I stepped beneath the shade of a tree something rose up in front of me. One of the Determined! I hadn't seen it in the shadow. It grabbed me. I resisted, grabbing it in return and trying to push it away. I didn't know how, but I knew that people could be changed into the Determined if they were attacked. I didn't want it touching me! Was it's touch enough to change me? I found that I matched it in strength: it's muscles had atrophied into green chords so that the bone was visible. It's skin hung off, torn like the rags it wore. I managed to shove it down, but it was back up in an instant, reaching for me again.
I must have yelled out, because the others had come running to help me. My brother knocked it down again and then we were all running. I ran down some steps in an opening in the fence to reach the road, continuing to run on the asphalt. We would loop back to the shrine. The others were too fast for me and the gap between us kept getting bigger. I was the slowest, the youngest, the smallest. I kept glancing back. I didn't know if I could make it. The Determined was keeping pace a distance behind me. Then it disappeared. Looking back for it all I saw was the peaceful, sunny day. So quiet . . .
Ahead of me I saw the others pointing. Then I spotted it: on the other side of the fence it's shriveled hand moved along the grass on it's own. It was as fast as the Determined had been. I ran as fast as I could to where several of the others had stopped to wait for me. Then we ran in a wide loop around the hand across the fragrant grass to the entrance of the shrine.
We went partway up the spiral bronze stairs to get away, even though we knew that The Determined would not come underground. We waited. We listened.
After a time, some of the others started looking out the entrance again, planning to go out. I turned to my brother, "I don't understand. We're safe underground. Why don't we stay?"
"They don't like to come underground but they will. As long as we come out sometimes they are willing to wait. But if we stay they will come after us."