Pj, I dont have any idea how you calculate the level of the lucidness, but i usually dont choose to control my dreams much as well. Cause when you manipulate the natural flow, you sometimes block the things you are supposed to learn. I do ask a lot of questions to the dream characters or choose my own acts (such as my flying style) but i dont prefer to touch the dream realizm unless it's asked me to. For me, the most important thing is to be aware and observe.
For my own definition, there are three types of lucid dreams.
1- You are aware you are dreaming. It's full of subconscious images but nothing special. You recognize them, even analize them into the dream. I sometimes play in them, control them, just for fun.
2- Some dreams that some characters are teaching you stuff. Such as being in different places at the same time, or jumping into paralel universes, different time zones, or cathching the resonance of the other envoriments. I dont touch these dreams unless it's a part of the lesson. I just ask questions.
3- These lucid dreams are the most beautiful, powerfull and special ones. It doesnt happen much often. There is a high level of comminucation in them with (probably) some supreme beings. They comminucate with you not by words but by feelings. A huge amount of energy connects with you and makes you feel something. Not something, many things. Like they upload you, i dont know how i must call it. You feel just like you are able to do anything you want, just like the fucking Neo or something. They are the most welcoming moments of my life. I forget who i am, what i do for living in real life, all about bills and trafic jam and every lousy things. I just become one with them. In those dreams, i never ever control anything. Cause i know, it's supposed to be just like that.