March 22, ThursdayWent to bed at 12am. Set my alarm for 4am for WBTB. Wake up 4am feeling lazy, like I don't want to do it. No recall for past 4 hours. "Its ok," I think, "the fun part is ahead."
I stay up leaned on my shoulder for 10 minutes try not to not fall asleep. Get up, turn on the lights (should I not have?), go feed my cat as he is scratching the bedroom door asking for food. Almost as though he knows I'm up and available to be his servant once again. Read an article (by Tsunami) on MM about WBTB and it suggests me
1. Not to turn on the ligh
2. Stay in bed
3. Staying up for 15 minutes.
4. DILD is easier than WILD for beginners
I look at the clock, its 4:37. Damn it! I go back to bed and repeat in my head that I will have a lucid dream. I think of a dream scene that looks something like the default background to windows XP. Look
here. As I fall asleep I start to notice that in my head I'm floating away while thinking of something else. "No!" I tell myself, I want
THIS!!! This happens a couple of times until I am not as sleepy anymore, but I still manage to fall asleep. My alarm was set for 7am, since this is when my girlfriend wakes up for work (I took a day off today). No recall.
I go back to bed and keep going in and out of sleep until I have a fragment
Fragment:It has something to do with the way Patriots defensive backs are lined up and I was running the possible starters and free agents in my head.
It is not very interesting or important, but I am still happy I have at least something to write... My brain needs to realize that I mean it when I tell it to remember something.
I think the reason my WBTB didn't work is that I tried something in between of WILD and DILD. If I wanted a DILD, I should have taken what ever dream world I was suggested. If I wanted to WILD, I should have not been moving from side to side like I did. Rookie mistake. Its ok there is always a next night. What else did I do wrong? Let me know people!