Author Topic: Parkour And Other Lucidity Inspiring Videos  (Read 5000 times)

Offline Caradon

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Parkour And Other Lucidity Inspiring Videos
« on: July 16, 2019, 12:38:07 PM »
Okay so I've been parkouring through my dreams  both lucid and non lucid since long before I even heard of the word parkour, or had any idea it was a real life thing. I never even heard of parkour until the Dying Light parkour zombie apocalypse video game.

So last night I felt kind of close to lucid, doing a little parkouring in a couple of different dreams. There are times in my dreams, when it's like a flip switches in my mind.  I can't control myself, I get a burst of energy, and I go parkour insane all over the place  Doesn't even have to be lucid, sometimes it does transition into lucidity though.

I was wondering why I've not even looked up parkour on youtube. So I just did, and started a new parkour video playlist to help inspire me to bo have more parkour dreams, and inspire myself and help motivate me into lucidity.

I found this video, gave me goosebumps because of how much it feels like I'm watching a video of myself in my dreams.

One of my most recent completely random lucids during my off focus time was during a dream where I was in a place  similar to this video. The parkour switch flipped in my head and I was going nuts parkouring through the rocky formations. The dream transitioned into full blown lucidity.

« Last Edit: July 18, 2019, 08:21:57 AM by Caradon »

Offline Caradon

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Re: Parkour
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2019, 01:36:33 PM »
And these people are just down right insane... I can't get enough of this kind of stuff in lucid dreams, but in waking life, no thank you.


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Re: Parkour
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2019, 12:52:30 PM »
Parkouring in dreams sounds like too much fun. Have you done this in the waking world? I can't say I've exactly parkoured in dreams but I have run up the side of skyscrapers and spiderman leapt about a couple of times. If I manage to parkour in a dream I will update it here.
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Offline Caradon

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Re: Parkour
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2019, 08:14:33 AM »
Parkouring in dreams sounds like too much fun. Have you done this in the waking world? I can't say I've exactly parkoured in dreams but I have run up the side of skyscrapers and spiderman leapt about a couple of times. If I manage to parkour in a dream I will update it here.

No not really, at least not like that.  I didn't even know what it was until a few years ago even though I have always been doing it in my dreams. But I've always been very quick, agile, with great balance, reflexes, and hand eye coordination. And I practice juggling to keep my reflexes in good tone.  I've always had a thing about motion, which  naturally comes through in my dreams. My mom once told me I was walking at a younger than normal age. I still think if someone had gotten me into hockey as a kid , I would have been one of the best goal tenders in the history of the game. And been a rich super star lol. :) 

Maybe if I had learned about parkour at a young age, and knew of a training school for it. I never learned how to do real life flips though I always wanted to. Just never had a gymnastics class or anything like that.  But I think it's probably more fun in dreams anyway  since it can be taken much further, and no risk of injury. When these real life parkour guys mess up. It's bad, really bad.

You should try it in a lucid dream. Just start running really fast and doing flips and leaping off of things and what not. It's an addictive sense of freedom.

We should make this thread for any sort of lucid dream inspiring videos.   

Offline Caradon

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Re: Parkour And Other Lucidity Inspiring Videos
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2019, 08:25:58 AM »
Fun silly parkour video of a real life Spiderman.

Here is another really good one. Wow...

« Last Edit: July 19, 2019, 08:13:34 AM by Caradon »

Offline Caradon

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Re: Parkour And Other Lucidity Inspiring Videos
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2019, 08:04:21 AM »
Check this guy out. Flying across the country at high speeds on a hovering board like the Green Goblin from Spiderman. Unreal. I'd love to trade in my car for one of these things...

Offline Caradon

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Re: Parkour And Other Lucidity Inspiring Videos
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2019, 08:13:32 PM »

Offline Wędajihs

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Re: Parkour And Other Lucidity Inspiring Videos
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2019, 09:22:50 PM »
Check this guy out. Flying across the country at high speeds on a hovering board like the Green Goblin from Spiderman. Unreal. I'd love to trade in my car for one of these things...

That's real?! I want one. I'd trade in my house for one of those things.
2021 Lucid Dreams: 8

Offline Caradon

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Re: Parkour And Other Lucidity Inspiring Videos
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2019, 12:32:49 AM »
Check this guy out. Flying across the country at high speeds on a hovering board like the Green Goblin from Spiderman. Unreal. I'd love to trade in my car for one of these things...

That's real?! I want one. I'd trade in my house for one of those things.

I  know right.  I think it is supposed to be real. I saw another video of him flying one at some military show decked out like some kind of futuristic soldier and flying over the heads of crowds. I think they were saying he was trying to get the military to use them if I remember right.  It was right on the front page news on my computer when I turned it on one day and I was like WTF, really? Then I found that video of him flying across the country side.

Offline Wędajihs

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Re: Parkour And Other Lucidity Inspiring Videos
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2019, 09:29:08 PM »
I did a quick google and the estimated price for the hover board is a measly $250,000.00. My house might be worth about that much if I cash it in.
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Offline Caradon

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Re: Parkour And Other Lucidity Inspiring Videos
« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2019, 11:50:56 PM »
Wow, cool. I think maybe I'll wait until they become more mainstream and the price comes down as it always does with new tech. :) Can you imagine everyone in town flying around on those things... Could get dangerous. I wonder how they would manage the airborne traffic. 

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Re: Parkour And Other Lucidity Inspiring Videos
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2020, 02:01:36 PM »
A fun video I just came across.

Offline Caradon

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Re: Parkour And Other Lucidity Inspiring Videos
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2020, 07:10:43 AM »
I want this VR parkouring game. I'm sure this would really help influence more parkour dreams. Unfortunately, it's apparently not on PLaystation VR (Which I have.) Too bad. Maybe another VR Parkour game will come along that I can get. Well, I'm sure there will be. If there is one, there will be more, and even better ones.

Offline Caradon

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Re: Parkour And Other Lucidity Inspiring Videos
« Reply #13 on: March 01, 2021, 12:46:48 AM »
This is my cup of tea in lucid dreams. But in waking reality? No thanks...

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