Author Topic: Weird . . .  (Read 78627 times)

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #195 on: February 18, 2009, 01:39:17 AM »
See?  I thought so!  :chuckle:  You were inspired by the pic?  I should look at it and try to induce one; rainbows show up in my dreams occasionally too, that's cool.
Yep.  Yep.  I was more than inspired, I was fascinated by it.  I couldn't figure out how that photo was possible, so it was on my mind.

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #196 on: February 18, 2009, 10:11:15 PM »
In Love
I'm some kinda ocean goddess.  My powers have been taken away, leaving me little more powerful than a mortal, and naive without my infinite knowledge.  My most devoted servant leads me on a journey to reclaim my lost powers.  He's a young man.  My blessings have given him the abilities to breath water and swim swift as a fish.  Since I am not human and know no words we communicate through song with notes.  Side by side we fight my enemies through coral reefs and kelp forests.

We arrive at the entrance to the den of my enemies, where they hold the lost pieces of myself.  I look at this man leading and realize my intense feelings for him.  Such feelings are new to me, but I can see in his eyes that he returns them.  He had not known that I'd ever be mortal enough to experience love and return his.  We hold each other in the water for a few moments.  I feel his lips on my cheek and long for more.  It is bittersweet to know that once I'm my true self again, I may no longer feel this way for him.

We enter.  Deformed humanoid creatures are shooting at us from all directions.  I dodge their missiles as I shoot my own magic ones from my palms.  But I'm getting hit and I'm not sure how many healing items I have or where they have my powers hidden.

I'm asking my husband where to go since he's played through this video game a bunch already.  He tells me that I've already gone the wrong way and I'm gonna get game over.  I ask him how the game ends.  He tells me that they have a daughter with powers like her mother.

MB totally caused this one.  I figured out what her avatar was the other day, which must have triggered my memories of The Last Unicorn and the whole finds love once in a mortal body thing, but no longer feels it once a unicorn again.  Plus the whole deity thing.

Eating Escargot Fragment
Mmm . . . It's buttery and tender!
« Last Edit: February 18, 2009, 10:20:43 PM by Alex Lou »

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #197 on: February 18, 2009, 11:26:06 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline dallyup52

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #198 on: February 18, 2009, 11:46:10 PM »
It is bittersweet to know that once I'm my true self again, I may no longer feel this way for him.

This is such a great story.  Romantic love and self discovery and what we all give up (so to speak) as we understand who we are.  And why we might not want to get the knowledge.  The fantasy is so alluring to keep and follow through with the adventure.  And why not?
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Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #199 on: February 19, 2009, 12:24:53 AM »
Thanks for the comments guys. :) It was a lovely dream.

Yummy.  I never had it, but you make it sound really good.
It's not that good in reality.  At least not that I've had.  It tends to be chewy, not tender.

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #200 on: February 19, 2009, 01:23:36 AM »
I had a few non-lucid flying dreams, which is new.  Always with the help of a contraptions (one of which was made by me).
I used to need contraptions all the time too in non-lucids. Some of them where really bizarre, like any kind of flying machine I'd ever seen in a cartoon or movie mixed up together.

Kain and Cecil (Exciting to me since Final Fantasy IV has been part of my psyche for the past 17 years.)
I remember that!  :content:

The Weather In California
That must have been an amazing scene. I love those atmospheric effect dreams.

In Love
That was beautiful. Why does it have to be so sad? Aw, look what you done to me..  :-[

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #201 on: February 20, 2009, 06:26:15 PM »
Random, medium level lucids this morning:
Scary Sex Dream
I'm having sex with some guy.  We're in my room, but it's all creepy and dark like some of my dreams are, with a dark, fog-like effect that prevents me from seeing the corners of the room.  I imagine my lover turning into some ghoul and I'm immediately sorry that I thought this, because knowing it's my dream I know that my thoughts have and impact.  So now he probably will.  He lowers his head so that I can't see his face, and when he raises it he has glowing eyes, pale, blue-tinted skin with large gagged scars, and pointed teeth.  He smiles down at me wickedly. 

"Oh, stop it."  I am I bit disturbed, but make sure not to show it.  He reverts back to normal.

My alarm goes off.

My First Nose RC and the Dream Bus
I have this confusing dream in which I have all these boyfriends.  Then, somehow become lucid and remember pj's request for remembering personal information.  Only, apparently I didn't remember correctly because I started doing multiplication.  One that I thought about 3x7 and initially thought it was 20, but then I added up the 7s to discover that it's actually 21.  There was a definite information retrieval problem here since I actually know that fact when awake.  To bad I didn't manage to ask myself a personal question like my address.  Considering the previous part with the boyfriends, I don't think I knew that my husband exists, so I'm guessing I would have had trouble with such questions.

The math makes me wake up (or so I thought).  I'm in my childhood bedroom and my mom is bugging me.  She seems to be annoyed that me and my dad nap all the time.  I just wanna go back to sleep, but I humor her and get up for a while.  I try not to wake up completely and manage to still feel half asleep the whole time (::)).  And when I get a chance I go back to sleep.

Not really sure what happened next.  I think I dreamed that I WILDed, but then I thought I was awake again?  I'm outside at night and see this raccoon that I saw earlier in a lucid part.  Could I still be dreaming?  I remember that people pinch their noses to RC, so I do it.  Can I breathe?  I can.  I immediately grab the raccoon.  I think that I was trying to change him into something else.  And he had changed, although it didn't occur to me that I may have caused it.  Although it's still as plump, it has golden fur now and a longer snout.  It's really dirty with a whisky bottle in it's mouth.  I get a bit worried.  If this isn't a dream, I could get rabies. Could I really breathe?  It's hard for me to remember so I try again.  When I pinch my nose this time I'm not sure that I can breathe, but it definitely doesn't feel like I can't. 

I walk away from the raccoon thing and see a humming bird.  I decide to make it fly through a wall.  It approaches the wall as if it's feeding on a flower there, and as I concentrate on it, slowly slips through.

I have to pee so I go into a public restroom.  Once inside I realize my error.  It will do me no good to pee in a dream.  That's something MB would do, I don't do that.  I just wash my hands instead.  My mom walks in and tells me that the dream bus is here.  "Couldn't I just fly?"

"It's toward the end of the dream, so no."  I think I know what she's trying to say.  She's telling me that I'll wake soon.  Exerting effort to fly will cause me to wake prematurely.  There's all kinds of sweets in the bathroom, so I grab some candy and cookies on my way out.  Lots of people I know are there and grabbing things too.  We all get on the bus.  It's a little bus, the kind that kids in special ed. usually ride to school.  My candy doesn't taste very sweet, but it still makes me thirsty.  My husband's cousin has ice cream.  Why didn't I get ice cream?  I take her whipped cream and cherry when she's not looking.

My phone rings.

That was my first time using the nose-pinch RC as far as I can remember.  The second dream was actually quite long.

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #202 on: February 20, 2009, 08:06:52 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #203 on: March 02, 2009, 05:20:17 AM »
I take her whipped cream and cherry when she's not looking.

That's something MB would do.
:chuckle:  Yeah, I seemed to be imitating you toward the end of that dream.

Two lucid dreams seemingly thanks to pj's INRALD technique:
I'm laying in bed trying to sleep when a voice (I think it was supposed to be pj's) yells at me to realize what's happening.  I check and . . . I am asleep!  I try to fly off and change scenes but I just wake up.

Once again I'm laying in bed trying to sleep.  I'm not sure that I can sleep.  I remember the INRALD thread and my previous experience and realize that I'm already asleep.  I'm convinced that if I try to fly away I'll lose the dream.  I'm feeling kinda stuck when I remember that MB said she'd try floating as a reality check.  So I concentrate, and make myself float up into the air a few feet.  The room around me immediately fades into blackness.  What now?  I simply fly forward. 

The blackness seems endless.  It's not that there isn't any light.  If I raise a hand in front of my face it's quite well illuminated.  The blackness around me is nothingness, the absence of anything.  After a few minutes of flying in one direction, I'm feeling quite disappointed with this dream.  I don't really want to have a dream like this.  Should I wake up?  The waking world seems so far away.  It would be hard.  Somehow I know that if I just let my mind wander the way I do when I'm falling asleep, then I will lose consciousness, that is, I will lose lucidity.  That might be better.  I don't want awareness in a dream like this.  But I stop myself.  I'll stick with it.

After a while I come across some white wooden furniture.  Stark white in the blackness.  There are a few chairs and some other stuff.  It looks old fashioned.  Seeing the furniture abandoned like that, completely still, is creepy but at the same time a good sign.  I keep going.  I come across more and more groupings of white furniture.  Some are overturned.  I don't want to be here by myself.  I call out to someone while I'm flying.  I don't remember who anymore.  He doesn't answer.  I should have just walked out of the house.  Why do I always have to fly?  Then maybe I'd be somewhere now. 

I come to a window and pass through it into more blackness.  After a while I come to another one.  It's like the windows you see on old factories in movies.  It's very large, from floor to ceiling, but with lots of little panes and wood in between.  Beyond is another window, and then another.  And then beyond that, I can see quite clearly, a beautiful scene of rolling green foothills and blue sky.  My heart jumps.  So all I have to do is fly through the windows.  I'm a bit scared that it will all fade if I'm too aggressive, so I go slowly and emerge successfully into a world of color.

A woman greets me and we start walking together.  I see a green hill that looks like it goes straight up to to sky and start running up it to see what's beyond.  The woman keeps pace.  "Who are you?" I ask.  I forget her name.  It may have been May.  She looks quite young.  As we get to the crest of the hill I can feel the dream slipping away.

I wake up to find that I'm in front of the computer.  I'm looking at some comic editing program and it recorded my dream!  It has all the scenes illustrated with captions!  I'm really excited that I have a record of all the dialogue.  And I can show everyone what my dream looked like!  Did it really look this cartoonish?  There are parts and dialogue that I don't remember.  Batman's in it.  It's amazing how much of our dreams we forget!  I wonder why no one's discovered that dreams can be recorded like this.  But then I suppose that most people don't sleep at their computers.

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #204 on: March 02, 2009, 08:13:29 AM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #205 on: March 02, 2009, 08:26:55 AM »
Wow!  I'm thrilled to see some success from somebody other than me.

Even if the whole idea ends up being garbage, it is worthwhile if it gets a few people lucid.  By that standard, you've already made it a success!
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Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #206 on: March 03, 2009, 02:46:37 PM »
INRALD Experiments
So I did some DEILD technique this morning, and after a few minutes of laying in bed trying to fall back asleep I tried RCing.  Twice it worked and I became lucid.  During the other attempt my RCs (trying to float or otherwise will myself out of my body) failed.  I don't know if I was really awake or not at that point.  It certainly felt enough like the other attempts to make me think that I was in a similar state of consciousness.  And I have a memory of seeing the room around me even though my eyes were closed.

First dream:
I forgot this dream at some point, or most of it.  I float up out of my bed as an RC and I'm instantly in a building filled with corridors lined with mirrors.  Now I had regretted not remembering to do the memory experiments the other day, so now I do them.  I intend to say my address but start saying some phone number (not my own, but a nearby area code).  I correct myself and say my address.  It sounds to automatic for me, so I say it again, checking for mistakes.  I realize I left out the zip code and add it.  I say my phone number.  And just for myself I remember that 7x3 is 21.  Well, of course.  This is one of those perfect logic lucids, so close to waking in time and consciousness.

I phase through some mirrors without actually getting somewhere.  I'm floating very slowly instead of walking.  I'm glad that this dream is so bright, but I still don't much like the lifelessness of an empty building.  I soon wake up.

The second dream was much shorter:
  I float out of my body without leaving my bedroom this time.  Now I remember the first dream in detail, when I had not been able to remember it while awake.  I start attempting the memory test by trying to recite my address, but I wake.

Just to clarify with the whole memory of the first dream:  I woke up from it and remembered it.  Then I had the failed attempt at INRALD and slept for a while.  When I woke up, all I remembered of the first dream was that I had been successful with the technique and that I'd done the memory test correctly.  Having the second lucid dream enabled me to remember the details of the first in full, as if I'd never forgotten.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2009, 05:18:53 PM by Alex Lou »

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #207 on: March 07, 2009, 02:44:00 PM »
Doing really well right now for some reason: 6 high level of consciousness lucids so far this week!  I think I normally get less in a month. :hrm:

Working On Challenges and a Little Laugh
I might have WILDed, I'm not sure.  This dream actually happened quite a bit earlier, but I just went back to sleep after I woke up from it.  Should I write anything down?  Nah. 

I'm in my room and have the monthly challenges on my mind, so I walk up the wall.  At first the wall is the bottom of gravity, that is, I've made the room defy gravity rather than defy it myself.  But it starts slipping back and I'm struggling to stay standing on a steeper and steeper surface.  And I seem to be drawn to stand on the floor by more than just gravity.  I try to alter gravity again, put the wall back at the bottom of the room.  It works at first.  But then everything starts tipping in the opposite direction, toward the ceiling.  Why fight it?  I step out onto the ceiling.

Gap here, sorry.  I remember thinking at some point during the dream that it felt very long and wondering how many hours a dream can go on.  Can it span the three hours or so more that I'll probably sleep?

I'm gonna try making an abstract concept into an object.  I think that I'll make passion and I see colors condense in the air.  They come together to make a small object materialize on my bed.  In the second that I see it, it looks textured, black, and roughly spherical.  It looks like it could have been carved.  It moves to hide under a blanket.  Would passion be black?  I move aside the blanket.  But there is no such object, only one of my own possessions that's similarly colored.

I'm outside now.  I notice black gunk all around me clinging to objects and plants, floating in the air.  I look up at the sky and would have laughed if I were awake.  The hazy black splotches gently drift in a wide circle around the sun.  My mind is mimicking the graphical problems on my dad's old Mac!  He played WoW on it for over a year before he got a new computer.  And now I use it if I'm over at my parents' house and we decide to play together.  Shimmering blackness sticks to certain textures, the invisible parts of objects, and most of all weather such as swirling clouds.  What I'm looking at looks exactly the same!  Perfectly matched.  I never could figure out what was wrong with the computer.  It exceeds the system requirements for the game, and the same OS with the same graphics card does not produce the same problem. 

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #208 on: March 07, 2009, 05:04:56 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #209 on: March 07, 2009, 09:21:56 PM »
Cool, keep it up!  And figure out how you are doing it!  Then tell me!
Well, most of them have been from pj's new technique.  So either it really works, or it's just on my mind right now.