Author Topic: Circumcerebral complex magnetic neural stimulation.  (Read 18986 times)

Offline DrTechnical

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Circumcerebral complex magnetic neural stimulation.
« on: October 08, 2011, 08:16:57 AM »
Yes, the subject is a mouthful. I wanted to share this info since I am certain that there are people on this site who will find it quite interesting. I recently bought this device:

While the sales catch here is obviously developing psychic abilities, there is a lot more going on and many more potential applications. This package comes with 3 independent pieces of software. One is the so called Persinger octopus. Persinger is a researcher who works in the area of magnetic stimulation of the brain. The author refers to this as the Shiva configuration. There is also the Shatki SW which supports various configurations to hit different portions of the brain. Finally, there is the "God Helmet" configuration (a name coined later). The God Helmet is a configuration and signal which has been tested on 100's of people in a university setting. Subjects were told nothing other than it was an experiment about relaxation.In 80% of the cases, subjects reported a presence. In a small % of people, the subjects reported having deep spiritual experiences, such as seeing God.

So in short, there are different configurations of the magnets, each supporting numerous signals that have different applications.

So far I have tried three sessions:

1) I did a basic Persinger session with the 16 coil configuration. I did indeed have a very interesting precognitive experience about 3 days later. The experimental data collected by Persinger suggests an after effect of this type.

2) I used the 16 coil config to apply the 40 Hz consciousness signal at WBTB. I got lucid 2.5 hours afterward. It was an odd sort of lucid, and not pleasant per say. But there was an apparent correlation between lucidity and the session.

3) Finally, this morning I did a God Helmet session. This was a pretty intense experience. Think binaural beats or perhaps CES at a delta or theta state, but much stronger. Very pleasant overall experience with lots of very strong and colorful hypnagogic flashes. There was a peacefulness about it. The experience felt very warm and very safe. It's hard to describe. Now I am no stranger to altered states, so my perception of pleasant might be another's "weird" or "just too intense". I can see why people report a presence or in some cases a sense of God. I would describe that element of the experience more like the feeling one has on psychedelics, that feeling of oneness or interconnection. I would describe it that way.

So all in all, I am rather pleased with results so far. It is pricey obviously. And it is quite difficult to configure and get the hang of. But the author was sufficiently quick and detailed about getting back to my e-mailed questions. So I did fine. But one needs to make sure you test and map the correct coil to the correct signal everytime, as there is no assurance that you PC will maintain the same mapping between re-boots. Like I said, it's a bit of work.

But for those looking to explore entrainment with a more complex, potentially more powerful methodology, this might be for you.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 10:20:48 AM by DrTechnical »
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Re: Circumcerebral complex magnetic neural stimulation.
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2011, 08:21:25 AM »
I've been waiting for this.  It is something Moonbeam and I were batting about building a couple years back - though nothing this sophisticated.  What we had in mind would have required another person monitoring you all the time to make sure you didn't accidentally turn off some part of the brain that keep you breathing or something. . .

Very cool.  Very out of my reach right now, unfortunately, but I can see amazing potential.  I think it is a huge step up from electrical entrainment.
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Re: Circumcerebral complex magnetic neural stimulation.
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2011, 10:22:44 AM »
Well one thing that is good here, is that the author is specific about which signals have been rigorously tested and explored in a University setting and which have not. So if you stick with the well understood signals and coil patterns, it is highly unlikely you will have a problem. No sitter required.
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Re: Circumcerebral complex magnetic neural stimulation.
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2011, 01:55:20 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline DrTechnical

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Re: Circumcerebral complex magnetic neural stimulation.
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2011, 07:18:42 PM »
Wow.  Thanks; keep letting us know what happens!  Very interesting.  Can you sleep with it on?

Depends on the configuration. If you have 16 coils around your head, I would presume no since you need to sit up. The God Helmet cfg for example has coils over each amygdala (basically above and slightly to the front of the ears).

I received an even cooler toy today. It is approaching time to put up or shut up. Whatever the hell that means  ;).
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Re: Circumcerebral complex magnetic neural stimulation.
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2011, 08:57:21 PM »
Well this is nicely timed, considering I haven't been on the forum here in well over a year...  :)

I just bought one of the 8 coil shakti devices about a a week ago. Just thought I'd check around and see if I could find any discussions on it.

Keenly awaiting it's arrival..  Sounds like it has been a worth while purchase for you Dr T.

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Re: Circumcerebral complex magnetic neural stimulation.
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2011, 09:45:40 PM »
Well this is nicely timed, considering I haven't been on the forum here in well over a year...  :)
I just bought one of the 8 coil shakti devices about a a week ago. Just thought I'd check around and see if I could find any discussions on it.
Keenly awaiting it's arrival..  Sounds like it has been a worth while purchase for you Dr T.
Hi Gen, long time no see.

Iadr's been using the 8 coil shakti device for about 4 years now. Definitely worth the money. Unsure exactly how it affects one's ability to lucid dream, although at times we've had a lot of lucid dreams on the nights we've used it. It does have an effect on the brain as we found out one night when we accidentally took it off too early before the session was over, when we felt it pulling on our brain when we took it off. :chuckle: Since that time we've been a lot more careful and unplug the wire before taking it off if we're unsure if the session is over or not.

Todd Murphy's a great guy. If you have any questions about the device after you get it just sent him an email and he'll be more than happy to answer any questions you have.
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Re: Circumcerebral complex magnetic neural stimulation.
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2011, 10:10:44 PM »
Hey Iadr, good to see you still around here..    ;-D

I am so excited to be getting one.. But I am going to have to discipline myself when it arrives and make sure I read all the instructions before I use it! This sort of thing makes me feel like a kid in a candy shop!

Which sessions have you found to be most effective on the shakti?
Do you use binaural entrainment at all, because I'm hoping this might enhance the effect.

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Re: Circumcerebral complex magnetic neural stimulation.
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2011, 10:19:01 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

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Re: Circumcerebral complex magnetic neural stimulation.
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2011, 11:06:14 PM »
Which sessions have you found to be most effective on the shakti?
Do you use binaural entrainment at all, because I'm hoping this might enhance the effect.
We just use the Starter sessions and alternate back and forth between the General Altered State and Feel Good Session. Rather than trying to keep track of how many days it's been since we used it last since you're supposed to take 4 days off in between sessions, we just use it a couple of times a week, usually on Wednesdays and Sundays, which is easier to remember.

We stopped using the binaural entrainment quite some time ago because it seemed to interfere with our dream recall, but did have good success with it a couple of times in inducing obes. Maybe we'll try it again someday.
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Re: Circumcerebral complex magnetic neural stimulation.
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2011, 08:20:35 AM »
That means there are at least 4 people on MM with this technology in hand. We might want to consider a study group of some kind, to collect data and results. I had no idea that Iadr and Iadr was already using this technology.

I haven't even used the Shatki program yet. I have done some 16 coil shiva sessions. I have done a bunch of God helmet sessions. In the God Helmet cfg with 4 coils in a circular pattern over the temporal lobes, I tried the modulated 40 Hz 30 min then right hippocampus 30 min program. This got me lucid, 40 minutes after finishing the program and going back to bed. I tried that the night before last. It is noted in my dream journal.

I agree with Iadr BTW. Todd Murphy is a very helpful guy. I don't mind saying something positive about someone for a change. He is very prompt over e-mail and has thoroughly answered all my questions.
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Re: Circumcerebral complex magnetic neural stimulation.
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2011, 07:19:03 PM »
I had no idea that Iadr and Iadr was already using this technology.
Probably should explain that for anyone not familiar with what iadr is doing. Before the first of the year iadr felt directed by his subconsious to stop using words such as I, me, my, mine, etc, so so made a New Years resolution to stop using these words. After doing this for about 10 months now it has almost become a habit as we talk about ourselves, conscious and subconscious, either in the third person, or as a team by using words like we and us.  ;-D
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Re: Circumcerebral complex magnetic neural stimulation.
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2011, 11:31:58 PM »
That means there are at least 4 people on MM with this technology in hand. We might want to consider a study group of some kind, to collect data and results. I had no idea that Iadr and Iadr was already using this technology.

I'd totally be down with that idea.. Just as soon as this thing arrives.. {Taps fingers impatiently}... :waiting:  (hmm, maybe the shakti will help me improve on my lack of patience too)

In the mean time I have been soaking up the info in Todd Murphy's lectures, they are fantastic..

Probably should explain that for anyone not familiar with what iadr is doing. Before the first of the year iadr felt directed by his subconsious to stop using words such as I, me, my, mine, etc, so so made a New Years resolution to stop using these words. After doing this for about 10 months now it has almost become a habit as we talk about ourselves, conscious and subconscious, either in the third person, or as a team by using words like we and us.  ;-D

lol, iadr.. I'd figured it was something like that.. Subconscious knows best.  :)

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Re: Circumcerebral complex magnetic neural stimulation.
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2011, 11:51:06 AM »
I would get one just to be part of the group or just for fun messing around with the tech as i don't really know anything about it as of yet, and i have a few questions first though. Will i have to shave my head? I'm quite a hairy headed person and am wondering if i would have to shave my head so the contacts can make contact with my skull. I also wonder how safe the thing is? Like a previous poster said, I would want to be very careful as i don't have a sitter and would not want to get paralyzed or not be able to breathe for some reason or another. Do you start to hallucinate while using it? or is it like a vivid day dream?

Let me know guys, I will probably join you in these experiments :).
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Offline iadr

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Re: Circumcerebral complex magnetic neural stimulation.
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2011, 08:11:36 PM »
I would get one just to be part of the group or just for fun messing around with the tech as i don't really know anything about it as of yet, and i have a few questions first though. Will i have to shave my head? I'm quite a hairy headed person and am wondering if i would have to shave my head so the contacts can make contact with my skull.
No, the contacts don't need to make contact with your head. The contacts are placed on this ball cap that comes with it and you just wear the ball cap when you are ready to do a session. That way they are in place and ready to go whenever you are ready to do a session. Much easier than trying to stick them on your head. There was a band that came with it also when iadr received his, that the magnets can be placed on, but we've always used the ball cap.

I also wonder how safe the thing is? Like a previous poster said, I would want to be very careful as i don't have a sitter and would not want to get paralyzed or not be able to breathe for some reason or another.
The creator of the device has done extensive testing with it, and has those tests available for anyone who wants to read them. There are also various warnings that come with the device such as taking 4 days off between each session and then taking another break after each 6 sessions. In addition the device should not be used by anyone with a history of epilepsy, migraine headaches or psychiatric disorders, which warnings come up each time the program is started.

Do you start to hallucinate while using it? or is it like a vivid day dream?
Not likely. In fact, you may experience nothing at all while using the device. Although with time you will probably begin to notice subtle changes taking place in your life as your conscious and subconscious become more synchronized from using the device, as you will start getting more hunches and intuitions about things than you normally would. The real key to using this device is to take a long term approach to it. as someone expecting immediate results or mind blowing experiences will probably end up being disappointed.

Let me know guys, I will probably join you in these experiments :).
Would love to have you join us IndigoGhost, but don't want you to become discouraged if you don't notice any immediate results as most of the results from this device are probably going to be more long term.
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