WBTB, just over 3g of powdered Calea Z leaves (after the first two dreams). Had a lot of trouble getting back to sleep but managed to eventually. Like last time, I woke up a lot in the night on Calea Z, and this time I recalled a lot more of my dreams.
8th January 2014Fragment: Using google maps, high resolution?
I have a dream where I'm observing an old friend in 3rd person. He is on a plane sitting in first class and talking about it to somebody. There are lots of seats lined up against the window, they all look like seats on Arriva trains though. Also there is a massive cocktail bar in the middle complete with a bartender.
I had a weird dream sequence where I was lying in bed and felt myself falling, as if my body was falling out of the bed. I then "opened my eyes" and saw the night sky littered with stars, it looked really beautiful. I had a sharp falling sensation but as if I was falling upwards, and the stars shot towards me like when they jump to warp speed in Star Wars.
I'm in a large building exploring and there are these three pink things flying round. Their centre is circular and looks kind of like a jellyfish, and they have a varying number of tentacles coming out of them (2,3 and 4 respectively). It's my job to chase them down so I follow the one with 2. I end up walking down into a bathroom, where suddenly a narrator starts talking. He says that the thing was attracted to the smell of the toilet. I look around and in this bathroom there is a load of urinals, and one toilet sitting in the middle of the floor with no cubicle walls around it. The thing flies into that and then the narrator says I have to "finish it off" by taking a shit in the toilet.
As soon as he says that, I really need to go, so I sit on the toilet and start my business. There is no toilet seat, so I have to sort of hover above it at first, but then I give up and sit directly on the porcelain. Suddenly, a large group of people come walking in on me, using the urinals or washing their hands or just generally talking to each other.
I realise this situation is far too ridiculous to not be a dream, so I become lucid. I don't stop what I'm doing because there is nothing to worry about, and then some of the people come and talk to me, one of them being my friend Danny. I jokingly say to him what a stupid place to put a toilet, and he agrees. He says that must be why nobody comes to this nightclub any more. I didn't even realised the building was supposed to be a nightclub, it had no music either so it seems like a pretty lousy place to me. I wake suddenly.
I am in a living room of a friend's house in Leeds, talking to her and her friends. Apparently we went on a big night out the previous night (which I may or may not have dreamt). They are all thanking me for coming, and apparently we had a really good night together. Two of the girls are getting really friendly with me, sitting on my lap or putting their arms around me etc. I get the feeling that they are competing for my affection, but I'm not really that interested in either of them.
I'm at a family party and we are waiting for most people to arrive. I walk around the different rooms and find some people playing poker in one. I pay some money and join the table, but we have to wait for one of the players to get back before we can continue playing, despite the fact that I insist we can just play some hands while he is gone because it is a cash game. I play about with the chips which seem to be a really funny shape, they look like the shape of large sweets (skittles or minstrels). I comment on this to the other players and they agree that this makes them feel really cool, but harder to stack.
Eventually we do play a few hands, and I win a little bit of money, but another player goes away and I get frustrated and leave. I decide I will take my Grandad's dog for a walk, so I get a lead and head off somewhere with her. We end up walking along a railway line, and I am standing on a stick which is stuck in one of the tracks. I can make it slide along at will somehow, and the dog trots along next to me. As we are going I notice lots of debris on the tracks, including things that look like octopus tentacles. I wonder if this was put here by kids to see what would happen when the trains go over them. Either way, at the time I consider it to be fairly dangerous.
As we are travelling a couple of very large trains go past. One of them is a big old fashioned steam train, which we don't see often any more. I make a note to breathe in through my nose because I love the smell the engines make, but I don't really smell it very much which is disappointing (smell never works that great for me in dreams). After a while I decide to head back, and then suddenly realising I'm not just looking after the dog but two of my nephews as well. This makes me nervous as although they are old enough to not run off or do anything too stupid, I've never been alone looking after them, and certainly not outside. However, at some point my sister (not their mother though) shows up and helps me out, and then we all walk home.
When I get back to the house, I walk around looking to see has arrived at the party. I walk upstairs and find a bedroom with 3 single beds, each with a man fully clothed asleep on top of them. I recognise the first one is my sister's boyfriend, the second is my brother, and I can't work out who the third man is. I ask someone and they say "Dad" which makes no sense as it looks nothing like my Dad. However, he then gets up and I see it was Danny (same one from the earlier dream) so I just assume they said "Dan" not "Dad". I ask them all to come downstairs when they are ready, and then I head down. A lot of my family are here now, and they are all saying hi to me and those who I didn't see at Christmas are all saying Merry Christmas. There is a lot of people talking at once and I get overwhelmed and sit down. Someone hands me a drink, which is orange juice but in a glass bottle like one of those small
whisky bottles. I take the orange juice but then accidentally knock over someone else's drink. I jokingly say "Oh no, I can't believe I knocked over the first one of the evening". I wake up shortly after that.